Dezhnev Senior's Aphorisms

  • He who is needed must learn to endure flattery.
  • If asking politely is useless, take.
  • A pawn is the most important piece on the chessboard -- to a pawn.
  • Small can be beautiful: An eagle may at times go hungry; a pet canary, never.
  • Life is pleasant Death is peaceful. It is the transition that is troublesome.
  • We are always certain that the decision we have just made is wrong.
  • No voyage is dangerous to the one who waves good-bye from the shore.
  • The greatest difficulty comes at the start. It's called "getting ready.“
  • If the current flow is taking you where you want to go, don't argue.
  • If you want to know whether water is boiling, don't test it by hand.
  • Going there may be most of the fun -- but only if you get there in the end
  • In life, unlike chess, the game continues after checkmate.
  • The wall that says "Welcome, stranger" has never been built
  • Those who say "A penny for your thoughts" are usually being overgenerous
  • If you want to hear, you must begin by listening.
  • Good company robs even death of some of its terrors.
  • Once the sun sets, it grows dark; don't let that catch you by surprise.
  • If trouble were as easy to get out of as into -- life would be one sweet song.
  • The trouble with triumph is that you may be on the other side.
  • In the true triumph, however, there are no losers.
  • If you must pull a tooth, it is mistaken kindness to pull it slowly.
  • Apes were invented because politicians were needed
  • The trouble with economizing is that it can be very expensive.
  • What counts is the person, not the name.
  • The body knows what it needs. That's why some things taste good.
  • A woman who doesn't fuss has no faults.
  • Bad news has the wings of an eagle, good news the legs of a sloth.
  • To get a human being takes a moment of pleasure, but to get a horse costs money
  • It is good to be at the head of the table, even if only one other sits with you and there is but a bowl of cabbage soup to share.
  • The truly wise trapeze artist does not inspect his nails in mid-jump.
  • Since we all must die, what better can we ask for than a quick and sudden death?
  • It is slower, but better, to creep along the downward path than to leap over the cliff.
  • No knife could be honed as sharp as a woman's tongue
  • If you find a gold key without a lock, don't throw it away. The gold is also sufficient
  • To want peace and quiet above all else is to hope for death
  • Only simpletons go to fortune-tellers. Who else would be in such a hurry to hear bad news?
  • It is only when a child has learned to hold still that it can be considered a creature of sense
  • Half an imagination is worse than none at all
  • My proverbs may have bored you, but now you can look forward to hearing them no more, so that you will mourn me less and, therefore, suffer les
  • People are ready enough to laugh at you. Don't make funny faces in order to encourage them
  • The time for offense is when a man, once he has cooled down, repeats an insult he has offered in his rage
  • On tomorrow's feast, we can starve today
  • Almost right is no better than wrong.
  • Between not enough and too much is a hair's breadth.
  • There is no point in trying to teach a thief to steal.
  • The sure thing about anything that goes without saying is that someone is bound to say it.
  • There is no drink like pure water, provided one realizes that it is alcohol that is the purifying agent.
  • To be saved from the jaws of a wolf by a hungry bear is no great cause for gratitude.
  • The most exciting part of any trip is reaching home again.
  • The longer it takes to get to a point, the blunter it turns out to be.
  • If the words of a wise man are few, they are nevertheless worth listening to.
  • Later is usually too late.
  • There is no duress like one's own conscience and it is that which makes life so needlessly bitter.
  • If you are dangling from a rope over an abyss, don't bother snatching at a coin that falls out of your pocket.
  • Anyone can hunt a bear fearlessly when the bear is absent.
  • Life would be unbearable if death were not worse yet.
  • If you have nothing to lose, gamble freely.
  • The most frightening phrase in the Russian language is "That's odd.”
  • It is more important to know the thing than the name.
  • Vehemence, my little son, is no guarantee of truth.
  • Eating too much kills more quickly than eating too little.
  • If only one course of action is possible, there is no difficulty in deciding what to do.

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